Following the success of Chandi Veeran, actor Atharvaa has signed director S Rajamohan’s upcoming film Rukumani Vandi Varudhu. Pooja Jhaveri, who will be working on Prabhu Solomon’s film with Dhanush, has also signed the film. Shooting of Rukumani Vandi Varudhu will commence from August 16 in Kodaikanal.
According to sources, Rukumani Vandi Varudhu is set in a village where the villagers want to bring an old jeep to their place. Atharvaa’s character will help bring the jeep to the village. Since the story revolves around the jeep, the makers decided to adapt the name from the famous song, ‘ Orampo Rukumani Vandi Varudhu’.
Actor Atharvaa currently has two films in the pipeline – Eeti and Kanithan.