Director Anand Kumaresan, in a Facebook post, has posed a series of questions to producer RK Suresh of Studio 9 production house, for dropping his debut film Vasanthakumaran. The film, starring Vijay Sethupathi, was stalled due to a fall-out between producer RK Suresh and actor Vijay Sethupathi. Apparently, RK Suresh jhad accused Vijay Sethupathi of violating the terms and conditions in his contract.
Recently, director Seenu Ramasamy announced that his film, Dharmadurai, featuring Vijay Sethupathi as hero, will be produced by RK Suresh. This prompted Anand Kumaresan to question the producer on what had happened to his film, Vasanthakumaran.
- What is the actual problem between RK Suresh and Vijay Sethupathi, due to which Vasanthakumaran was dropped?
- How did that issue come to an end?
- If the issue has been resolved, then why wasn’t Vasanthakumaran re-started?
- Why, a new film like Dharmadurai was kicked off?
- In that case, why was the developments did not reach me through the concerned producer or actor?
Later, he added that producer RK Suresh has accepted to offer an explanation regarding his film, Vasanthakumaran.
Image Courtesy : Anand Kumaresan’s Facebook page