The shooting of director Atlee’s second venture, Theri, has been wrapped up. Recently, a song featuring actor Vijay and actress Amy Jackson was shot in Ladakh. Sources close to the team said that the film would hit the theatres sometime in April or May, ahead of actor Rajinikanth’s Kabali.
Theri is tipped to be a cop story. Audio of Theri, composed by GV Prakash, is expected to launched soon. Theri stars Vijay, Samantha and Amy Jackson in the lead roles, alongside Radhika Sarathkumar, Prabhu, Mahendran, KS Ravikumar, Santhanam, Rajendran, Kaali Venkat and Baby Nainika. Produced by Kalaipuli S Thanu, Theri will be distributed by Fox Star Studios.