The first song from Shah Rukh Khan’s upcoming movie Fan was released recently, and it crossed 15 lakh views on Youtube within 24 hours of its launch. The actor, as part of the movie promotions, has taken this Fan anthem to all four parts of India, dedicating the regional versions of the song to his idols – Mahatma Gandhi, Sachin Tendulkar, Rajinikanth and Yash Chopra. The song has become the first Bollywood number to be released in 6 Indian languages.
Presenting the Gujarati version of the song, SRK tweeted that the whole nation was the fan of Mahatma Gandhi, the father of the nation. The Gujarati version of Fan has been sung by Arvind Vegda.
Gandhiji, The Father of the Nation is also the world’s biggest star. The whole nation & the world is his fan!
— Shah Rukh Khan (@iamsrk) February 22, 2016
Taking the song to the North Indian states, a Bhopuri version of it has been released. It’s sung by actor Manoj Tiwari.
Khaike paan banaraswala, suno ab @ManojTiwariMP ke voice mein Fan ka gaana!
— Shah Rukh Khan (@iamsrk) February 22, 2016
The Marathi version of the song is dedicated to Sachin Tendulkar. Khan, who is a self confessed fan of Sachin Tendulkar, tweeted, ‘Umpire kuch bhi kahe, mere liye toh u wil always b not-out! I am ur Fan. Jai Maharashtra! ” The Marathi version has been sung by singer Avadhoot Gupte.
Sachin: Aila @sachin_rt Umpire kuch bhi kahe, mere liye toh u wil always b not-out! I am ur Fan. Jai Maharashtra!
— Shah Rukh Khan (@iamsrk) February 22, 2016
Rajni Sir, I’m not a star, but just one of your countless fans Thalaiva @superstarrajini. Proud to be your fan!
— Shah Rukh Khan (@iamsrk) February 22, 2016
City of joy, city of KKR & the city that still has the old world charm. Kolkata, aami tomake bhalo bashi! Ur fan.
— Shah Rukh Khan (@iamsrk) February 22, 2016
Yash ji, no one has shown the purity of Punjabi culture like you did. This one’s for you. I’m your eternal fan!
— Shah Rukh Khan (@iamsrk) February 22, 2016