In February, director Suseenthiran had announced his next film starring Udhayanidhi Stalin and Vishnu Vishal. Now it is known that this project has been pushed to later this year, and the director will be starting his next project with Vishnu Vishal in the month of August. Currently, the team is finalising the members of the cast and crew.
Sources suggest that Manjima Mohan will be playing the lead in the film. Reportedly, she is a part of the Udhayanidhi-Vishnu Vishal film too. Actor/Director Parthiban will also be playing a pivotal role in this film.
Vishnu Vishal’s maiden production Velainnu Vandhutta Vellaikaaran, which hit the screens on June 3, is doing a fair business at the box-office. Now, the actor is awaiting the release of his film Veera Dheera Sooran, directed by Shankar Dhayal, co-starring Catherine Tresa.