Bollywood actress Kareena Kapoor Khan lashed out at a certain section of the media for speculating over her pregnancy and maternity break. The reports had said that Kareena, who is due in December, would go on a maternity leave in October after she completes the shoot of her film with Sonam Kapoor, and the 18 brand endorsement deals and magazine cover shoots she has committed to.
An HT report quoted the actress as saying, “I am pregnant, not a corpse. And what maternity break? It’s the most normal thing on earth to produce a child. It is high time the media back off, and stop treating me any different than I ever was”.
The actress said that her life would go on the way it is. “Stop making it a national casualty”, she said. Kareena, who is now working on Rhea Kapoor’s Veer Di Wedding, said that marriage and family had absolutely nothing to do with her career.
Recently, Kareena and her husband, Saif Ali Khan, had also rubbished media reports that said
while vacationing in London.Veer Di Wedding, an all-female movie produced by Rhea Kapoor and Ekta Kapoor, has Sonam Kapoor and Swara Bhaskar acting with Kareena. Her last release was Abhishek Chaubey’s Udta Punjab in which she played a doctor fighting against the drug menace in Punjab.
Recently, actor Anil Kapoor had lavished praises on Kareena for deciding to continue with work after marriage and pregnancy. “The biggest example of today’s brave modern woman is Kareena Kapoor. She is pregnant, but the script is ready and she is doing my daughter’s (Rhea) film. What else can be the biggest change than this?” he said in a quote to PTI.