Actor Karunakaran will be seen in a lead role in the movie Podhu Nalan Karuthi directed by debutant Zion. Along with him, Aadith Arun of Thangamagan, and Santhosh of Kadhai, Thiraikadhai, Vasanam, and Iyakkam fame also play the lead roles. Malayalam actresses Anu Sithaara and Leesha will be seen in the lead female roles. Yog Japee and Imaan Annachi form part of the supporting cast.
Zion was a former assistant of Ram Bala who directed Santhanam’s Dhilluku Dhuddu. The movie has commenced shooting in Chennai yesterday. Actor Karunakaran told Silverscreen that the movie deals with the life of three youngsters handling everyday life situations. He added that the three youngsters come from different backgrounds and have three separate stories of their own.
Recently, the first look of the actor’s upcoming movie Kanneer Anjali was released. Acting alongside Mottai Rajendran, the firstlook poster piqued a lot of interest on social media. Director of the film, Guhan Senniappan told Silverscreen that the movie explores the concept of life after death. “It is a fantasy-comedy film. It gives a different and comical take on life and death”, he said. Actor Rajendran will play the role of a smuggler and Karunakaran is a movie poster designer. Actress Suza Kumar from Ethir Neechal plays the love interest of Karunakaran. “The movie has been delayed due to clash of dates between the actors. The shooting will resume late September”, he added.
Read: Suza Kumar joins the cast of Kanneer Anjali
Actor Karunakaran had a breakthrough with his 2013 film Soodhu Kavvum, after which, he was seen in a slew of character roles in a number of movies including Rajinikanth starrer Lingaa, Iraivi etc.
Podhu Nalan Karuthi marks actor Karunakaran’s third movie in a lead role after Uppu Karuvaadu and Kanneer Anjali.