Akshay Kumar, whose recent releases have a strong vein of patriotism running through them, is coming back with another film in the same genre. A week ago, he tweeted the announcement of his next project, Gold, directed by Reema Kagti. The film based on a real life story will have a background of hockey and the Olympics, set in the 1950s.
Set in 1948, the historic story of India’s first Olympic medal as a free nation, #GOLD coming to you on 15th August, 2018! pic.twitter.com/KPAExjtmYz
— Akshay Kumar (@akshaykumar) October 21, 2016
It is now being speculated that Akshay Kumar will play the role of real life hockey player Balbir Singh in this sports biopic. Balbir Singh was a part of the Indian hockey team in 1948, he was vice-captain of the squad in 1952 and was made captain in 1956. The team he was part of had won three successive gold medals in Olympics. Even after having numerous records to his credit, Balbir Singh never got his due. After retiring from the game, he was still part of Indian Hockey as a coach and manager. Currently, the 92-year-old lives in Canada with his family.
This seems to be the season for sports biopics. After the success of the MS Dhoni biopic, Sushant Singh Rajput will again feature in a biopic on Paralympic medallist Murlikant Petker.
Gold is slated for an Independence day 2018 release, whereas Akshay Kumar will also have Crack releasing for Independance day next year. The actor is currently shooting for Shankar’s 2.0, where he will play the role of the main antagonist opposite Rajinikanth. He is also shooting for Jolly LLB 2.