Bollywood actor Arbaaz Khan is likely to make a Kollywood debut in a film titled ‘Dot’. According to reports, the film will have multiple heroes, with Arbaaz Khan playing a negative role. A source told Times of India, “It is a multi-starrer film, and there is more than one hero. The actual cast is yet to be decided. The makers are in talks with several actors and an official announcement will be made on Tamil New Year’s Day. We approached Arbaaz Khan first, and when we narrated the story to him, he loved it and almost immediately agreed to do the film. He will be playing the negative role in the movie. The team plans to start shooting by the first week of February 2017.”
Arbaaz Khan recently returned to Telugu cinema with Kittu Unnadu Jagradha, which is releasing later this month and stars Raj Tarun and Anu Emmanuel. Arbaaz Khan plays the antagonist in the film. The actor was last seen in Telugu cinema over 11 years ago, when he played a gun dealer in Chiranjeevi’s Jai Chiranjeeva. Since then, he says, “Not many interesting offers came by. There was film production and direction to keep me occupied. Some people thought that I wouldn’t get back to acting again. People took time to realise I was open to options. I couldn’t have planned my Telugu-cinema comeback with a part that’s not equally stylised and aesthetic. I am excited to be back. The language wasn’t a problem despite the gap.”
The actor was last seen in a supporting role in Sohail Khan’s Freaky Ali. Recent reports in the media had claimed he was separating from his wife Malaika Arora, but Arbaaz had rubbished such reports as speculation. “A lot of rumours are written about us to make for juicy reading or to provoke a reaction from us, but I just let things go because of the kind of profession I am in, what else can you expect. Thankfully, we have social media where we can do our little clarification when things get to us a bit too much,” he said.