Aaditi Pohankar has begun shooting for Santhanam’s next. Director Selvaraghavan helms this urban romance; Sushant Prasad of Film Department is producing. “I’ve started shooting for this project at Ramoji Rao Film City in Hyderabad, and have been enjoying the work so far. I am thrilled to see how the film is going to shape up,” Aditi told DC.
With the comedy king himself @iamsanthanam#Excited #ShootDiaries #hyderabaddiaries #newproject pic.twitter.com/UZ5dWpTVDA
— Aaditi Pohankar (@AaditiPohankar) December 14, 2016
With cinematography by Loganathan, the film has music by Yuvan Shankar Raja and is edited by Maari fame GK Prasanna. The second schedule of filming will begin on January 23. After this, Selvaraghavan hopes to shoot some portions of this project in the US.
Earlier, Regina Cassandra and Sai Pallavi were reportedly considered as the heroine in this project.