Samantha Ruth Prabhu has a major role in the upcoming biopic on legendary actress Savithri. Times Of India cited a source as saying, “Samantha has been finalised. Contrary to some rumours, she won’t play Savitri in the film. Instead, she will be seen in a pivotal role and it’s through her eyes the story of Savithri will be narrated. The makers are yet to finalize an actress for Savithri’s part.”
Earlier, Silverscreen had reported that Samantha and Nithya Menen were the frontrunners to play Savithri in the project. Directed by Yevade Subramanyam fame Nag Ashwin, the film has been titled Mahanati.
Savithri is widely regarded as one of South Indian cinema’s finest actresses. She debuted in 195o with the Telugu film Pelli Chesi Choodu and went on to act in over 40 films in Tamil, Malayalam, Kannada, and Hindi. She won the Rashtrapati Award in 1960 for Chivaraku Migiledi. Savithri married actor Gemini Ganesan in 1952. In 1981, she succumbed to cancer at the age of 45.