The Madras High Court has issued a notice to the Bairavaa team after a complaint was made by Devaraj. Devaraj alleged that ticket prices for the opening weekend of Bairavaa violated the existing regulations by the Tamil Nadu government. The Court has ordered the film’s team to respond to these allegations.
The Court has also asked for representations from the Distributors’ Association, the Producer’s Council, and the Theatre Owners’ Association during its next session.
Further, the bench has asked for a hotline to be created, wherein the audience can call in and report theatres where ticket prices are well above the Rs 120 cap.
The case will be investigated on 12 January, when representatives of Vijaya Productions, the team behind Bairavaa, will present their side.
Devaraj had filed a similar petition at the time of Kabali’s release.
Read: Theatres Hike Ticket Prices As Police Look The Other Way