Comedian Sathyan has joined the cast of Vijay 61. The ensemble cast already includes SJ Suriyah, Jyothika, Kajal Aggarwal, and Samantha. The film is Atlee’s third directorial with Vijay.
Speaking to the Deccan Chronicle, Sathyan said “Yes, I have been roped in to play a pivotal role in Vijay 61. I can’t reveal much about my character right now. I will join the sets from March.”
Actors Soori and Vadivelu have also been approached to play key roles in the movie, although there has been no official announcement as yet.
The movie will reportedly go on floors in the first week of March in Chennai. The actor also said that set works were already underway in the city.
The film will be bankrolled by Sri Thenandal Films. Ruben will be the editor while debutant cinematographer Vishnu will handle the camera work.