Recently, when Yuvan Shankar Raja tweeted the name and lead actor of the Kannada film Gowdru Hotel, he also announced that it would mark his debut as a music composer in Kannada films. However, there is some confusion about this claim, as YSR’s discography suggests he has already composed for not just one but several Kannada films in the past.
Hi guys Happy to announce my first Kannada movie with Rachan Chandra debut actor #gowdruhotel happy times. 🙂
— Yuvanshankar raja (@thisisysr) January 30, 2017
Read: Yuvan Shankar Raja To Make His Kannada Debut
A quick google search into the composer’s discography reveals that he has been credited for composing music for five Kannada films, although they are remakes of Tamil films. These films are Gilli (2009), Madana (2009), Anthu Inthu Preethi Banthu (2008), Ajith (2014), and Jolly Boy (2011).
One explanation on offer is that these songs don’t count (even though they were promoted as YSR compositions) because they were composed for Tamil films. “These songs would have been a hit along with the film, and most of the producers who pick up remake rights invest in the songs too, which are sold by the producers along with the rights to the script,” a Kannada film industry insider told the Times of India.
According to the report, Yuvan Shankar Raja has already begun working on Gowdru Hotel, a project he reportedly took up purely to expand his work across south India.
Thus far, the composer has several projects lined up this year. With Sathriyan’s audio launched recently, his other projects include Selvaraghavan’s Mannavan Vanthanadi, Ram’s Peranbu starring Mammootty, a film with Thiagarajan Kumararaja, Ameer’s Santhana Devan, Lingusamy’s Sandakozhi 2, Chakri Toleti’s Kolaiyuthir Kalam, and Irumbu Thirai starring Vishal and Samantha, to name a few.