Punjabi actress Wamiqa Gabbi, who last featured in Maalai Naerathu Mayakkam last year, has reportedly joined director Ashwin Saravanan’s next project, starring SJ Suryah and Sshivada. According to a Times of India report, Wamiqa will play the second lead in the film. The film is expected to be a thriller, along the lines of Ashwin’s directorial debut Maya (2015), starring Nayanthara.
A source tells Times Of India that the actress has already begun shooting for the film.
“The actress was busy working on a couple of Telugu films. Though she has been listening to scripts in Tamil, it was this project that appealed to her. Major portions of the film will be shot in and around the city,” the source said.
The film will have music composed by Ron Yohann. Yohann had also made his debut alongside Ashwin in Maya. Meanwhile, an official announcement regarding the rest of the cast and crew is expected soon.