Actress Jyothi Krishna will play Malayalam poet Kamala Das’ friend in a biopic titled Aami, starring Manju Warrier. Jyothi will portray Malathikuty, Kamala’s childhood friend.
“Kamal sir and my family have known each other for many years now. He had earlier approached me with a project, but it did not work out as I was busy with Life of Josutty. When he planned Aami, he told me that he would like me to do a character in the movie and I immediately said yes. My character was fixed even before Manju was roped in. Various stages of both the friends have been planned in the movie and I am really excited to work with Manju,” Jyothi told the Deccan Chronicle.
Directed by Kamal, Aami earlier had Vidya Balan as Kamala Das, but eventually Balan opted out of the film. Meanwhile, poet Leena Manimekalai is also making an independent biopic on Kamala Das.
A first look of Aami was recently shared on Manju Warrier’s Facebook account.
Feature Image Courtesy: Deccan Chronicle