Actor Prabhas has been flooded with offers from various brands following the success of SS Rajamouli’s Baahubali series. The actor recently rejected an offer worth Rs 18 crores from a popular brand, and has reportedly declined various other offers coming his way.
Speaking to the Hindustan Times, a spokesperson for Prabhas confirmed that the actor was in no mood to sign any offers, and is currently on a month-long vacation in the USA. Recently, Rajamouli told an interviewer that Prabhas had declined an offer of Rs 10 crores from a brand while working on Baahubali 2.
The spokesperson further said that Prabhas might take up offers in the future but would prefer to focus on his film projects currently. “He certainly wants to concentrate on his upcoming trilingual film, Saaho, shooting for which begins in July. He is also getting a few Bollywood offers from top directors and production houses and he’s reading the scripts.”