A recording of an alleged blackmail call that was received by Malayalam actor Dileep’s close aide in connection with the Mollywood actress abduction and molestation case, is currently making headlines in Kerala. According to the audio, Pulsar Suni, the prime accused in the case, had phoned Dileep’s aide and demanded a sum of Rs 1.5 crore to silence the actor’s alleged role in the abduction. Denying the allegations, Dileep took to social media to clarify his part and also stated that he is ready for the lie-detector test as well.
In his post, he said: “There is an effort to spoil my image. I am ready for any test to prove my innocence.”
The actor had reportedly filed a complaint with the police alleging blackmail threat by a man, who was said to be a friend of Pulsar Suni. Though the police took Suni’s associates into custody, they have not been arrested yet.