Salman Khan has announced plans to begin shooting for Dabangg 3. He said:
“The script of Dabangg 3 is ready. It’s going to start during Bharat, which is Atul and Alvira’s (Agnihotri) film that Ali (Abbas Zafar) is directing. That starts after Remo’s film. Atul’s film requires some gaps. So between the schedules for Atul’s film, I will shoot for Dabangg 3.”
He also dismissed rumours that the third film in the Dabangg franchise is a prequel. “The story starts with Dabangg 3 in the present and then it goes back to the past, and then comes back to the present day again. It will have a prequel portion, but only as a flashback.”
The film will reportedly show how his character became who he is now.
“So it’s Chulbul Pandey now and then — what has gone on in his life before part one and two. The flashback will show how Chulbul Pandey actually became Chulbul Pandey. The remaining part will be about what he’s up to now.”
His brother, Arbaaz, will produce this time, and not direct. “He gets very hyper so we asked him to chill and take rest,” Salman said.
The cast of the Dabangg films are all expected to return for this third film as well. Prabhu Deva has been asked to direct, reports indicate.