Filmmaker and producer Anurag Kashyap, who had locked horns with former CBFC chief Pahlaj Nihalani several times in the past, is happy that the post is succeeded by someone capable like Prasoon Joshi.
Speaking to The Times of India, Kashyap said, “The amazing thing about him (Joshi) is that you can sit down and talk to him. Even if you disagree with Prasoon, you can always have a conversation with him, which you could not do with Pahlaj. It was like his darbar and he would tell you what to do.”
Kashyap is also hopeful that with Joshi as chief, there will be more dialogue between the censor board and filmmakers. He is certain that one will be heard, whether there are agreements or disagreements.
“You can sit, argue and debate. He is an intelligent man, who could be against what you are saying but will give you space to say what you feel. That is the most important thing – a dialogue. A dialogue is possible with Prasoon, which never happened with Pahlaj. He would go on for two hours, where he would always start with how he has changed Indian cinema, how he got it the industry status, and how he taught several notable directors to make films,” Kashyap told ToI.
Kashyap had been leading the film industry’s fight against the censor board which had demanded 89 cuts to Udta Punjab. “We have a humongous problem with Nihalani but if he goes who will come in? What’s the guarantee that if someone comes in, he will not interpret the Cinematograph Act and the law the same way, or may be worse or better. The system needs overhaul. It is not just Nihalani, who needs to be replaced, which we want,” Kashyap was quoted saying at a press meet last year.
Feature Image: Deccan Chronicle