The makers of a new film featuring Irrfan Khan and Deepika Padukone have clarified that the project is fictional and yet untitled, contrary to earlier reports that it’s a biopic on mafia queen Rahima Khan aka Sapna Didi.
“T-Series, KriArj Entertainment and Vishal Bhardwaj Pictures clarify that their next production is untitled and fictional, starring Deepika Padukone and Irrfan,” read a statement issued by a representative of T-Series.
Piku stars Irrfan and Deepika will be in a film directed by Bhardwaj’s long-time associate Honey Trehan.
Producer Bhushan Kumar said: “Deepika and Irrfan are great actors. We are very excited with the subject and are proud of associating with KriArj Entertainment and Vishal Bhardwaj Pictures on this film.”
The shooting of the film begins early 2018 and it is slated for release in October 2018.