The 90th Academy Awards will be presented on March 4, 2018 in Los Angeles. For the best foreign language film category award, entries are considered from different parts of the globe. Telugu film producer and director C.V Reddy has been appointed chairman of the jury that will decide India’s entry for the Oscars in that category. Reddy was also part of the jury which decided on India’s nomination for the Oscars in 2012.
According to a report in The Times of India, “This is the first time in 60 years that the Film Federation of India (FFI) has appointed a Telugu film personality as chairman of the jury committee for the Oscars. C.V Reddy has produced 12 films in Telugu, Tamil and Kannada. He has also directed, provided the story, screenplay and dialogues for four of the films. The screening of entries will take place in Hyderabad at the Telugu Film Chamber of Commerce at Filmnagar from September 16 and is likely to go on till September 23, depending on the number of entries. After the jury headed by Reddy selects the film, the FFI will send it to the Academy latest by October 1, 2017.”
So far, Mother India, Salaam Bombay and Lagaan have received Oscar nominations.
Last year, the Tamil film Visaranai was selected as India’s entry.