Vijay Sethupathi, who will collaborate with his Idharkkuthaane Aasai Pattai Balakumara director Gokul, will be producing their next film Junga with a whopping Rs 20 crores budget. Sethupathi, who recently turned producer, was on board as producer soon after he was narrated the script.
Speaking to Deccan Chronicle, Gokul said, “When Junga’s script got ready, I narrated the story. After a few minutes of silence, he said he would himself produce the flick since the budget crossed more than Rs 20 crores. Sethupathi knows that the project involves a huge sum and didn’t want to put other producers under the knife. He said he’d come forward to produce it, so that the film becomes his responsibility.”
The film will have Sethupathi play a gangster and he will be paired opposite Vanamagan actress Sayyeshha Saigal. Gokul even reveals that the film will mostly take place in France, with the other parts of the shooting taking place in Chennai, Tuticorin, and Ramanathapuram.