Vijay Deverakonda’s next is a love story. According to a report in the Deccan Chronicle, the actor has signed on to be a part of Ye Mantram Vesave, an intense romantic film directed by debutant Sridhar Marri. The first look of the film was launched on Diwali. Shivani plays the female lead of this film that is expected to release by early 2018.
.@TheDeverakonda‘s #YeMantramVesave First Look Poster!!#Shivani #VijayDeverakonda #HappyDiwali
— Mango Music (@MangoMusicLabel) October 19, 2017
At present, Vijay is hard at work on his film with Parasuram and Rashmika Mandanna. He will start work on Ye Mantram Vesave soon.