The Nadu Iravu team plans to create a record of sorts by filming the entire movie in 12 hours. The horror flick has a fresh cast and will begin filming tomorrow. The project was launched with a small pooja at AVM Studios today in the presence of Keyaar and several other dignitaries. Pudhugai Marisu has written the script for this film and will also direct it. Child artiste Monica has a very important role in the movie. VS Mohan Kumar of Jayalakshmi Movies is producing the flick while Ulaganathan pans the camera.
The project is made on a relatively modest budget and the director told us that the story does not require a lot of special effects or CG. Speaking to us, the director said, “we are trying to create a record by completing the film in 12 hours. We plan to begin at 6 pm tomorrow and finish by 6 am on 17th. We hope that the project gains publicity through this endeavor.”