Fans of Bollywood were in for a real surprise on Wednesday morning when it was announced that a multi-starrer film is in the works featuring Madhuri Dixit Nene, Alia Bhatt, Sonakshi Sinha, Varun Dhawan, Aditya Roy Kapoor, and Sanjay Dutt. The film is a collaboration between Fox Star Studios, Dharma Productions and Nadiadwala Grandson Entertainment.
Set in the 1940s, the story of the film was planned 15 years ago by Karan Johar and his father Yash Johar.
Proud & excited to announce our EPIC DRAMA #KALANK
Releasing April 19th, 2019
Directed by Abhishek VarmanStarring @MadhuriDixit @sonakshisinha @aliaa08 @Varun_dvn #AdityaRoyKapur & @duttsanjay!@apoorvamehta18 @dharmamovies @foxstarhindi @ngemovies #Sajid
— Karan Johar (@karanjohar) April 18, 2018
The film will be directed by Abhishek Varman, best known for directing 2 States (2014) and the upcoming drama Shiddat.
Talking about the film, Karan said, “Kalank has been an emotional journey for me. It is a gem of an idea that I had nearly 15 years ago and a film that was in a pre-production stage helmed by my father. I am now proud to pass it onto the extremely capable and visionary hands of director Abhishek Varman. Kalank has a beautifully structured story by Shibani Bathija and an exceptionally fluid narrative and screenplay by Abhishek.”
The film will go on the floors by the end of this month and will hit the theatres next year on April 19.