In January, during the audio launch of Achamillai Achamillai, S Valarmathi, journalism student and activist, spoke up about issues that affected everyday people — the bus fare hike and the bus staff strike in Tamil Nadu, among other things. For this, she was recently booked under the sedition law. Ironically, the film, a political drama directed by the first-time director Muthu Gopal, at whose launch she spoke, comes across as an intense drama set at the backdrop of Coimbatore and Tirupur. The trailer hints at the film being about industries in these districts adversely affecting its agriculture and farming.
In her speech, she said, “It was the government that is making us protest. And then there are these cops who will not know that we are protesting for their family too and start lathi charging. For all media here, I want to say some day there will be a news saying that a student attacked the police. One day, people would attack police by grabbing their lathi.”
She was arrested last week for protesting against the Chennai-Salem Green Expressway corridor project. The charges of sedition come in addition to this. She was then produced before the Saidapet Magistrate yesterday. Justice Angalaparameshwari ordered her to be in court custody for 12 days.
A report in The News Minute quoted the Inspector of Police as saying, “We have booked her for a speech she made at RKV Studios in Vadapalani in January this year. She was inciting people to riot and be violent towards the police. We have booked her under section 153 (Wantonly giving provocation with intent to cause riot). She has already been arrested over a speech made in Salem against the expressway.”
Valarmathi was arrested last week for attempting to disrupt a meeting of district administration with the people of Achankuttapatti in relation to the Chennai- Salem Green Expressway corridor, reported in The Hindu. She is the second activist who was arrested for opposing the project. Environmental activist Piyush Manush was arrested on June 18 for instigating people against developmental projects. A day before Piyush Manush was arrested, actor Mansoor Ali Khan was arrested for his remarks against the proposed highway project.
Gopal himself has bankrolled the film, while Ameer has played a cameo in the film. The trailer shows him delivering an intense monologue against politicians and corporations. While Vuvuri Kumar has composed the songs for the film, the lyrics are penned by Snehan of Bigg Boss Tamil fame.