Imaikkaa Nodigal has released in theatres across India. The morning and matinee shows of the Nayanthara-starrer were cancelled over the non-receipt of KDM (digital key) by movie theatres.
Earlier today, a leading distributor said that talks were on to resolve the issue – as always, financiers who are yet to be paid, have come in the way of the film’s release. “The amount is not very high, and they should be able to sort it out by 2 pm,” he added.
Those talks were reportedly fruitful, as the movie has been allowed to release.
Time to Meet!!!?? All theatres to start screening #Imaikkaanodigal from evening today!!! ?? @Atharvaamurali @anuragkashyap72 @theedittable @NayantharaU @RaashiKhanna @hiphoptamizha @VijaySethuOffl @dancersatz @thinkmusicindia
— Ajay Gnanamuthu (@AjayGnanamuthu) August 30, 2018
Director Ajay Gnanamuthu’s Imaikkaa Nodigal, which stars Nayanthara and Atharvaa as siblings, and Anurag as a psychopath, also has Vijay Sethupathi in a cameo. A song featuring the two, ‘Neeyum Naanum Anbe’, released on August 28, has gone viral.
Fans have been wondering about the low buzz around the film, Nayanthara’s second release in a fortnight after Kolamaavu Kokila, which is still running to relatively packed houses.
Expectations from the film are huge, as Ajay’s previous film Demonte Colony, starring Arulnidhi, did very well at the box office. Nayanthara’s market is at an all-time high, and fans who had taken a day off to watch the first day first show expressed their disappointment on Twitter.
This is not the first film to go through this issue in recent times. This last-minute choke-hold on release has left many filmmakers wringing their hands in frustration, as it happens way after they have completed their work and handed it over to the producer.
Shows have been cancelled in New Jersey and Atlanta too.
#ImaikaaNodigal KDM not received.. We apologize for the inconvenience. There seems to be a bit delay in the Production Clearance. We are closely following up with the Qube. Hope it will be resolved soon!
— US Tamil LLC (@USTamilLLC) August 29, 2018
Chennai’s famous Kasi Theatre put out a tweet that it has cancelled the noon show and is playing Nayanthara’s Kolamaavu Kokila instead.
Many screens in Chengalpet area cancel #ImaikkaaNodigal Noon Show, as ‘financial settlements ‘ are still going on, may start from Matinee shows.
— Sreedhar Pillai (@sri50) August 30, 2018
In the run up to the release, Ajay has spoken extensively about the effort it took to make the film. His reaction to the delay was the cryptic:
This tooooo shall pass!!! #Imaikkaanodigal
— Ajay Gnanamuthu (@AjayGnanamuthu) August 30, 2018