Noted filmmaker Kalpana Lajmi passed away in Mumbai on Sunday morning after a long illness. The director, known for films like Daman, Rudaali, Chingaari, had been in and out of the hospital after she was diagnosed of kidney cancer three years ago. She was on dialysis for the past few months. Her condition deteriorated earlier this week, following which she was taken to the hospital in Mumbai, where she breathed her last in the early hours of September 23. She is survived by her brother, Dev Lajmi.
Lajmi was last hospitalised in 2017, when Ashoke Pandit, head of the Indian Film and Television Director’s Association said that the group was providing financial assistance for Lajmi’s treatment. Gulf News quoted him as saying:
“The IFTDA has always stood for the industry members and we help out in whichever way we can. I spoke to Aamir Khan and Rohit Shetty, who readily helped out.”
Born to painter Lalitha Lajmi and Gopi Lajmi, Kalpana made her debut as director with documentary film DG Film Pioneer. She assisted Shyam Benegal in several films, eventually working as an assistant costume designer in Bhumika: The Role.
Her first feature film was Ek Pal that had Shabana Azmi and Naseeruddin Shah in lead roles. She followed this up with films such as Daman, Rudaali and Kyon?. Her films were made on small budgets and narrated from the woman’s point of view. They did not find commercial success but were appreciated for their content. Dimple Kapadia and Raveena Tandon won National Awards for their work in Rudaali and Daman respectively.
Rudaali won three awards – for Best Actress, Art Direction and Costume Design. Daman, on the other hand, was distributed by the Indian Government as it focused on marital violence. It received one National Award for best actress.
Interestingly, Lajmi was not chosen for any of the National Awards, despite being hailed as one of the first wave of feminist filmmakers who attempted to drown out the sex and violence that plagued Bollywood in the 80s, and presented different voices and stories.
Several luminaries from the film industry and from the political community paid their respects to Lajmi on social media.
RIP #KalpanaLajmi . My first exposure to a film shooting was while working as a song director and editor in Daman . Remember many evenings of food and music in her residence along with Bhupen Da. Learned a lot while working with her .
— Onir (@IamOnir) September 23, 2018
Sorry to hear of the passing of Kalpana Lajmi, a film-maker of rare sensitivity. The repertoire of her work, from depicting strong and resilient women to cinematic renditions of Assamese life, was remarkable. Condolences to her family and well-wishers #PresidentKovind
— President of India (@rashtrapatibhvn) September 23, 2018
Our dear beloved friend Kalpana Lajmi has gone to a better place. RIP my darling Kalpan. I shall miss you so terribly.
— Soni Razdan (@Soni_Razdan) September 23, 2018
Saddened by the passing away of acclaimed filmmaker, producer & screenwriter Kalpana Lajmi, who stood for breaking new ground in Indian cinema with films like ‘Rudaali’. My condolences to her family and admirers
— Mamata Banerjee (@MamataOfficial) September 23, 2018
Just heard about Kalpana Lajmi passing away. Had worked with her as an editor when she made Darmiyaan. Will always remember her with fondness and respect for being a fearless woman and a powerhouse of a person in a male dominated industry. Rest In Peace dear Kalpana.
— Hansal Mehta (@mehtahansal) September 23, 2018
My condolences to the family and friends of Kalpana Lajmi. May her soul rest in peace.
— Gaurav Gogoi (@GauravGogoiAsm) September 23, 2018
RIP -kalpana Lajmi
Remember her fondly during the filming of Ruddali , God Bless— SantoshSivanASC. ISC (@santoshsivan) September 23, 2018
Saddened to learn about the demise of veteran filmmaker #KalpanaLajmi ji. Her contribution to Indian cinema will be remembered forever!
— Avinash Pande (@avinashpandeinc) September 23, 2018
You will be missed Kalpanaji.Was not your time to go..but may your heart now be at peace.????? . Those days while shooting Daman will be a treasured memory. #KalpanaLajmi Om Shanti.
— Raveena Tandon (@TandonRaveena) September 23, 2018