Actor Akshay Kumar was summoned by a Special Investigation Team probing the police firing that happened at an anti-sacrilege protest in Punjab’s Faridkot district three years ago. But the actor, through a statement, denied his involvement in the case.
According to a report in ET, Akshay Kumar was summoned by the team for his role in mediating a meeting between the then Deputy Chief Minister and SAD Chief Sukhbir Singh Badal and Dera Sacha Sauda head Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh, who is currently undergoing a 20-year prison sentence in a rape case.
Justice Ranjit Singh Commission that reviewed the case mentioned in its report that Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh had met Sukhbir Singh Badal at the actor’s flat in Mumbai in 2015. The meeting was held before the Dera Chief was pardoned in a blasphemy case.
The actor, who along with Prakash Singh Badal and Sukhbir Singh Badal, was asked to appear before the SIT, denied his role in the case through a statement.
“It has come to my knowledge that some rumours and false statements are being loosely made on social media about my involvement with a person named Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh in the context of a fictitious meeting involving Sukhbir Singh Badal,” read his tweet.
He went on to say: “With all humility, I would like to state the following facts. I have never ever met Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh in my life, anywhere. I learnt from social media at some point that Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh resided for a while at some place in my locality Juhu in Mumbai but we never crossed each other’s paths.”
He then spoke about his Punjabi lineage and challenged anyone who could prove his involvement in the case.
— Akshay Kumar (@akshaykumar) November 12, 2018
Meanwhile, celebrities who hailed from the state have voiced support for the actor.
Love you Paji ? India supports you and knows you that you have contributed to every community and issues so nicely through your films. Punjab is proud to have to always ❤️ @akshaykumar
— Guru Randhawa (@GuruOfficial) November 12, 2018
Paaji you are the flagbearer of the pride of punjabis. We love you and stand by you! @akshaykumar
— BADSHAH (@Its_Badshah) November 12, 2018
@akshaykumar paji We believe u, we trust u n we can’t ignore ur contribution for cinema n ur continuous efforts to make our country better. Pls ignore these rumors. God bless n regards always ?
— KAPIL (@KapilSharmaK9) November 12, 2018