Bollywood actress Rani Mukerji’s next project will be the sequel to her 2014 film Mardaani. Produced by Aditya Chopra under the banner Yash Raj Studios, the actress will reprise her role as the police officer, Shivani Shivaji Roy from the original movie.
Speaking about her new movie in a statement, the actress said “Mardaani is and will always be extremely close to my heart… Gopi has written an extraordinary script that we all love and I can’t wait to start shooting this film soon.” The movie is scheduled to go on floors early next year.
The original film, directed by Pradeep Sarkar with whom the actress had worked on Lagaa Chunari Mein Daag, marked the debut of actor Tahir Raj Bhasin. Bhasin, who played the antagonist in the movie, was appreciated for his performance of the leader of a human-trafficking chain. He has since gone on to star in movies like Force 2, Manto and the upcoming Chhichhore.
About the antagonist of the sequel, Mukerji said: “Shivani will face a cold, merciless villain who has no empathy, no fear of God and is pure evil. The character has been written superbly and I’m excited to find out who the actor will be.”
Mardaani 2 will be directed by Gopi Puthran who scripted the original movie. The movie is scheduled to release during the latter part of next year.
#RaniMukerji's next is #Mardaani2
— Yash Raj Films (@yrf) December 10, 2018
Rani Mukerji was last seen in Hichki which released this year. Based on Brad Cohen’s autobiography ‘How Tourette Syndrome Made Me the Teacher I Never Had,’ the actress played a woman with Tourette’s wanting to become a teacher. Directed by Siddharth Malhotra and produced by Maneesh Sharma, the movie released in March and went on to become a success.
Hichki was screened at the Shanghai International Film Festival and later released in China where it became a huge hit. Subsequently, the movie became one of the highest grossing films of the year and third highest grossing movie featuring a female protagonist.
Watch the trailer of Mardaani here:
Image courtesy: Movies Tags