Richi Mehta’s seven-part series Delhi Crime, based on the 2012 Delhi gang-rape incident, has been picked up by Netflix for distribution. The series will premiere at the Sundance Film Festival on Friday, and will release on the streaming platform on March 22.
Starring Shefali Shah as a police officer alongside Adil Hussain, Delhi Crime has been mostly shot in New Delhi. It also stars Denzil Smith, Rasika Dugal, Rajesh Tailang and Yashaswini Dayama. The series has been produced by Golden Karavan and Ivanhoe Pictures.
Two episodes of the series will be screened at the Sundance Film Festival.
Mehta says, “The making of Delhi Crime has been a personally transformative journey; speaking to every individual involved, retracing the paths that the police took during the course of the investigation, and hearing about the determination that it took for the case to be closed, despite severe limitations.”
“I hope that we’ve been able to provide context, catharsis and open once again a difficult conversation that must be had about the forces that enabled this brutality,” said the Indo-Canadian filmmaker.
The idea of the film came to him while talking to Neeraj Kumar, a former Commissioner of Police who then introduced him to the investigating team. He was also granted access to hundreds of pages of legal documents that were part of the investigation. Mehta put in six years of research for the project.
According to Simran Sethi, director of International Originals, Netflix, “Delhi Crime is an important story told with sensitivity and responsibility, and we are honoured to help bring this series to Indian and global members. It is honest and emotional and powerful. Shows like this bring a much-needed lens to the lived reality of women around the world. Watching this series is an affecting experience, and we are sure it will be as meaningful an experience for Netflix audiences as it was for us.”
The second season of the series will focus on a different crime, but will star the same actors.
Image Courtesy: Variety