PM Narendra Modi, the biopic starring Vivek Oberoi has been scheduled for an April 12 release soon after the first phase of the Lok Sabha Elections. However, the Congress party has requested the Election Commission to ban the movie claiming it to be a propaganda film.
According to reports, the movie has completed shooting in Ahmedabad, Kutch-Bhuj and Uttarakhand and has moved to Mumbai to complete the last leg of shooting. The sudden release has caught people by surprise.
The Congress Party’s student wing, the National Students Union of India (NSUI) requested the Election Commission to ban the movie. The Goan unit of the NSUI wrote a letter demanding a ban 48 hours prior to the beginning of voting, reports DC.
“The NSUI Goa writes to you demanding: ban of the movie in theatres in states during the ‘election silence’ period that is two days prior to the day of voting and ban of the movie in the Lok Sabha Constituency where the Prime Minister would be contesting,” read the letter.
The NSUI claimed that film to be propaganda by the makers to influence the voters. “The NSUI Goa strongly believes that a movie on the BJP Prime Minister, who has failed miserably, is nothing but a propaganda by the BJP to influence the public during the model code of conduct without including the expenditure incurred for the movie in the election expenditure of Narendra Modi who will be contesting as a Member of Parliament.”
PM Narendra Modi has been directed by Mary Kom director Omung Kumar and produced by Sandip Singh. Zarina Wahab plays Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s mother while Bengali actress Barkha Bisht plays his wife. Prashant Narayanan plays the role of Adithya Reddy, a fictional industrialist, and also the main antagonist in the movie.
The film traces the life of Modi from his early years to becoming the Gujarat Chief Minister, and his victory in the 2014 general elections.
A web-series based on the Prime Minister’s life is also on the cards.
Image Courtesy: India Today