Director Rosshan Andrrews has been granted an interim bail by the Kerala High Court in connection with the case against him by producer Alwin Antony, who alleged that Rosshan attacked him and his family at his house. Rosshan has dismissed these claims. The court has sought the opinion of the Kerala government regarding the granting of anticipatory bail to the director.
According to a report by The News Minute, the Ernakulam town south police station, on Sunday, received complaints from both the director and producer. Alwin Antony alleged that Rosshan Andrrews attacked him, his family, and a doctor friend at his house in Panampilly Nagar, Ernakulam, in the wee hours of Saturday.
According to the producer, Rosshan Andrrews came in search of his son Allwyn John. Anticipating his arrival, Alwin shifted his son to a friend’s house. The producer claimed that his son, who had worked as an assistant on Rosshan Andrrews’ movies like Mumbai Police and How Old Are You?, was close to one of Rosshan’s female associates. He believed this to be the reason behind the attack. “Should he barge into my house with goons at midnight, just because my son talked to that girl?” Alwin was quoted saying by Manorama. He stated that his doctor-friend was attacked, and his four-year-old daughter was also not spared.
According to Rosshan Andrrews, the producer’s son was a drug addict – a claim dismissed by the producer. Rosshan stated that he and his friend Nawaz were attacked by Alwin when they went to the his house to question him about a smear campaign started by his son against the director. He also said that his friend Nawaz was kicked in the stomach by Alwin.
Meanwhile, the Kerala Film Producers Council announced that people who wished to work with Rosshan Andrrews had to seek permission from the body. Producer and secretary of the association, G Sureskumar, also said that there had never been a ban on the director. “This is in context of the complaint given by producer Alwin Antony, that Rosshan attacked him and his family at their home,” he added.
Image Courtesy: Manorama