Actress Shruti Sawant, known as Iniya, will be seen in the lead as an aspiring police officer in the upcoming Tamil thriller Coffee, directed by Sai Krishna. The film has been shot in Bangalore and is currently in post-production stages. Release announcements can be expected soon.
Speaking to Silverscreen about her role, Iniya says that this is her first heroine-centric movie. She plays Sathyabama, a person training to be a police officer who takes up a job as a cab driver to support her family. “The story is about how she struggles to get her brother out of a problem he is stuck in. It’s a crime thriller and my first heroine-centric movie. I’m learning about the importance of the protagonist who carries every element of the story forward.”
The role required her to perform action scenes and stunt sequences, and she says that her martial arts training prepared her for this. “I know martial arts, and dance is one of my hobbies. Recently I started contemporary dance and mixed martial arts course in Chennai. I look at defense as an activity, and it has helped me for the film.”
Iniya is popular for her roles in Malayalam films like Saira, Dalamarmarangal and Umma. In Tamil, she has acted in Vaagai Sooda Vaa, Annakodiyum Kodiveeranum, and Pottu which released on March 8. She was recently awarded the Second Best Actress for Parole and Pengalila, by the Kerala Film Critics Award.
Coffee is directed by Sai Krishna, and stars popular Bollywood actors Rahul Dev and Mugdha Godse as the antagonists. Iniya plays the central character who takes on the villains. The director earlier told Silverscreen, “We show what happens in society. Every choice we made, be it the central character’s job or the city she is based in, was according to the demands of the script.”
Venkatesh S is the cinematographer for the film. Mohan Raja has written the songs, and Venkat Nath is the music composer. The editor is Venkat Rajan, art director is Durairaj G, stunts are by Don Ashok, choreography by Viji Sathish.