The Karnataka police in Tumakuru filed a case against actor Kangana Ranaut on Tuesday over a tweet regarding Farm Bills passed by Parliament recently, as per a report by The Times of India.
On October 9, the First-Class Judicial Magistrate Court ordered the Tumakuru police to register an FIR against Ranaut based on a complaint filed by Ramesh Naik, an advocate from Karnataka, on September 26.
According to the report, Naik told IANS: “My case against popular Bollywood actress Kangana Ranaut is not to gain any publicity but to convey to her that what she did was wrong. When farmers take to the streets to protest against any government policy, they are not necessarily terrorists, as she thinks. I have joined many such protests, am I a terrorist? I need clarification on this and therefore I am fighting this case.”
The advocate had sought action for Ranaut’s tweet posted on September 21 which read: “People who spread misinformation and rumours about CAA that caused riots are the same people who are now spreading misinformation about farmers bill and causing terror in the nation, they are terrorists.”
People who spread misinformation and rumours about CAA that caused riots are the same people who are now spreading misinformations about Farmers bill and causing terror in the nation, they are terrorists. You very well know what I said but simply like to spread misinformation 🙂
— Kangana Ranaut (@KanganaTeam) September 21, 2020
According to Naik, such posts can cause provocation and enmity between groups and can fuel clashes between communities.
“It seems that the government authorities have turned a blind eye to the same and does not have any established measures or rules and guidelines to control and regulate the same. On the bare perusal of all these content it is more than evident that the government is least bothered and as usual waiting for some dangerous consequences to happen before taking some appropriate actions,” he further stated in his complaint.
Parliament had recently passed three farm reform bills in its monsoon session. Farmers and agricultural organisations across the country have in particular raised their voice and come out in protest, lashed out against the provisions of the Bill mainly regarding market fee and trade area.