Bhushan Kumar, managing director of T-series and son of late Gulshan Kumar, was booked by the Mumbai Police on Friday on rape charges. The PTI report added that he has been charged under IPC sections 376 (rape), 420 (cheating), and 506 (criminal intimidation).
As per the complaint, Kumar allegedly raped a 30-year-old woman on the pretext of providing her a job at the company.
Following this, the music and film studio T-Series issued a statement to the media denying all charges.
“The complaint filed against Mr Bhushan Kumar is completely false and malicious and the contents of the same are denied. It has been falsely alleged that the lady in question was sexually exploited between 2017 to 2020 on the pretext of giving her work. It is a matter of record that she has already worked for T-Series banner in film and music videos,” said the statement.
The statement also added that the accusation was retaliation for the extortion complaint filed by the company on July 1 against the woman in question. “The present complaint filed by her is nothing but a counter blast to the complaint filed against her and her accomplice for the offence of extortion.”
According to a report in PTI, a day after the rape charges were filed against Kumar, an extortion case was registered against a man at Amboli police station on Saturday, based on allegation that he had been trying to extort money from Kumar’s family threatening to get a rape case filed against him.
Talking to PTI, an official said, “An FIR of extortion was registered against Mallikarjun Pujari who had allegedly approached Krishan Kumar (Bhushan Kumar’s uncle) between July 3 and 10 this year demanding money for not filing a complaint of rape against Bhushan Kumar.”
Pujari tried to blackmail Krishan Kumar with the fake allegation of rape against Bhushan Kumar and threatened to malign the latter’s image in media, the official further said quoting the FIR.
The official added that the accused had allegedly told Krishan Kumar that the woman’s friend would kill Bhushan Kumar if the money was not paid.
A case was registered against Pujari under sections 386 (Extortion by putting a person in fear of death or grievous hurt), 500 (Punishment for defamation), and criminal intimidation under sections 506 and 506(2) of the IPC.
(This is a developing case)