Hindi actor Kangana Ranaut‘s controversial post on Instagram, where she claimed that Covid-19 was a “small time flue which got too much press”, was taken down on May 9 by the photo sharing social networking platform.
“Instagram has deleted my post where I threatened to demolish Covid because some were hurt. Matlab terrorists and communists sympathisers suna tha twitter pe lekin Covid fan club awesome (I mean I had heard of terrorists and communists on Twitter but Covid fan club)… It’s been two days here on insta but don’t think will last here more than a week,” Ranaut wrote in an Instagram story soon after that expired within 24 hours.
This comes after her Twitter account was permanently suspended on May 4 for her offensive tweets regarding West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee, the BJP’s electoral performance in the state’s legislative Assembly polls, and the post-poll violence in the state.
Following the permanent suspension of her Twitter account, Ranaut resorted to her Instagram account to continue with “demeaning and insulting” Bengalis, both Hindus and Muslims, Bangladeshi migrants, and Banerjee.
On May 8, Ranaut tested positive for Covid-19.
India has been battling the second wave of Covid-19 since March with thousands of people dying due to severe shortage of oxygen supply in hospitals, insufficient number of beds in hospitals, vaccines, medicines, and cremation and burial spaces across the country.
At a time when several celebrities across film industries have been sharing and attending to SOS calls through social media platforms, Ranaut called the deadly virus a mere “small time flu”.
“I was feeling tired and weak with slight burning sensation in my eyes for past few days, was hoping to go to Himachal so got my test done yesterday and today the result came I am covid positive. I have quarantined myself, I had no idea this virus is having a party in my body, now that I know I will demolish it, people please don’t give anything any power over you, if you are scared it will scare you more, come let’s destroy this Covid-19 it is nothing but a small time flu which got too much press and now psyching few people. Har Har Mahadev,” read the now-deleted Instagram post.