On Wednesday, Taapsee Pannu released a video on Twitter that comprised illustrated visuals of the sufferings of migrants when the coronavirus-induced lockdown was announced. Titled ‘Pravaasi’, meaning migrant, the montage video has Taapsee reciting a hard-hitting poem over the visuals.
She speaks on behalf of the stranded migrants in various cities who have been struggling to reach their homes, find sufficient food and proper shelter, and sustain their families. With animation that portrays horrific visuals like the spraying of disinfectants on migrants in Bareilly, Uttar Pradesh, and a young boy trying to awaken his dead mother at the Muzaffarpur Railway Station, playing out, she says, migrants have been resorting to all means to reach their hometowns despite the heat, pain and alarming distance.
She questions the promise of ‘Acche Din’ when the government isn’t able to solve simple hassles and asks if this country is only meant for the rich. She also adds that all they seek is self-respect and not the alms others are willing to offer.
Watch here:
A series of pictures that probably will never leave our mind.The lines that will echo in our head for a long time.This pandemic was worse than just a viral infection for India.हमारे दिल से , आपके दिल तक, उन हज़ारों दिलों के लिए जो शायद हम सब ने तोड़े हैं । #Pravaasi #CovidIndia pic.twitter.com/dB5yyYvEYB
— taapsee pannu (@taapsee) June 10, 2020