Dhanush’s directorial debut – Power Paandi – looks heartwarming and sincere. The protagonist is a senior citizen, and its lead heroine – Revathi, a veteran actress. There’s rural Tamil Nadu at its best, with Raj Kiran strutting around in a leather jacket. He beats up men, and talks about his ‘single’ relationship status with friends.
Watch Power Paandi‘s trailer:
Then, there’s Revathi, who, for once isn’t playing a role that solely focuses on her sacrificial instincts as a mother (Remember Osthe and Margarita With A Straw?). She is chatting with a friend about finding romance.
Prasanna, I presume, plays Rajkiran’s son, who looks at his father as a senile, old man. The trailer shows him berating Rajkiran for “shaming” the family.
While it’s a story that isn’t something filmmakers down South tend to tell (thumbs-up to that), there’s indeed something oddly familiar about it. The scenes in the trailer are quite reminiscent of Pyaar Mein Twist – a 2005 Hindi film starring Rishi Kapoor and Dimple Kapadia. The movie didn’t do too well, despite having ‘Baby’ Spice Girl Emma Bunton in it. The story, however, was about two retired people who had lost their spouses, and had dedicated much of their lives towards the welfare of their ungrateful children.
They meet several times (by chance), and finally realise that they are in love. He begins to feel young again, and they go for a spin on his Harley Davidson. She has a friend who tells her that since she’s lived for her children all her life, it’s time she does something for herself.
Soon enough, the protagonist’s son (played by Vikas Bhalla), who always appears in fancy suits, plays spoilsport. Mad at his father for falling in love at this age, he utters something similar to what Prasanna does in Power Paandi‘s trailer.
The senior citizens then elope, and the children finally realise that love is not contained by age.
The two-and-a-half minute trailer of Power Paandi might seem new, but watch it right after watching a few scenes of Pyaar Mein Twist, and it wouldn’t be too hard to see the differences between the two. Or, in this case, the similarities. Then again, there’s always hope that Dhanush’s directorial debut would prove me wrong.
It’s probably a good thing that he didn’t try roping Emma Bunton in.
Pyaar Mein Twist via BollyKick: