Ever since Akshay Kumar announced that his film, Padman, directed by R Balki, will release on January 26, there were rumours that the release of Shankar’s 2.0, starring Rajinikanth and Akshay Kumar, will probably get postponed to April.
A source from Lyca Production, however, told Silverscreen that the film’s release will not be postponed and will hit the screens during the Republic Day weekend. There has been no official announcement yet.
The filming of 2.0 is over and the post-production work that involves a lot of CG work is currently going on in 11 countries.
The audio launch was held in Dubai and the teaser of the film will be out this month and an event is underway for the teaser launch in Hyderabad and the trailer will come out in December.
In September creative head of Lyca, Rahu Mahalingam tweeted about the schedule of audio launch, teaser and trailer and however, there was no mention about the release date.
“Festivities to Begin” Come Oct -Audio Release in Dubai!!! Nov-Teaser in Hyderabad and Dec-Trailer in Namma Singara Chennai!!! 2.0 Loading!!
— Raju Mahalingam (@rajumahalingam) September 7, 2017
In March this year, director Shankar hinted at completion of major portions of the film and said that only patch work and a song is left to be shot.
Shankar tweeted:
With my team after finishing a major scene of #2.0 . One song and some patch works are only the balance pic.twitter.com/SG6o1nLUW4
— Shankar Shanmugham (@shankarshanmugh) March 9, 2017
Meanwhile, Rajinikanth’s Kaala is scheduled to hit the screens in April. If rumours of 2.0 getting postponed are to be believed, then Kaala’s release will also have to be rescheduled as two Rajini films cannot clash on the same day. A source from Kaala’s production house told Silverscreen, “Our film’s shoot is going on in Mumbai. We are yet to wrap up the shoot and begin the post-production work. We are working towards April release and we are sure that we will be releasing Kaala only after 2.0’s release.”
Padman is a biopic on Arunachalam Muruganandham, an entrepreneur who discovered low cost sanitary pad-making machine. Even if both Padman and 2.0 release during the same weekend it won’t affect the box office performances as the two films are of completely different genres.
Not all superheroes come with capes! Bringing you the true story of a real superhero, #Padman this Republic Day – 26th January, 2018! pic.twitter.com/hcEcJPO6Up
— Akshay Kumar (@akshaykumar) October 29, 2017