A biopic on Mother Teresa will go on floors soon with artistes from Bollywood and Hollywood. The movie will be directed by Seema Upadhyay and release in 2020. The film will be jointly produced by Pradeep Sharma, Nitin Manmohan, Girish Johar and Prachi Manmohan, reports News18. The makers have already met with Sister Prema Mary Pierick, current Superior General of the Missionaries of Charity, and Sister Lynne in Kolkata in this regard.
Proud NEW journey…???… Official biopic on nobel laureate #MotherTeresa launched, produced by Pradeep Sharma, Nitin Manmohan, Girish Johar & @Prachinm. Written-Directed by Seema Upadhyay. Cast-Crew comprises top talent pools of Bollywood & Hollywood.@OneUpEntertain @seems_u pic.twitter.com/XvEbWVw3wt
— Girish Johar (@girishjohar) March 11, 2019
“We visited the Missionaries of Charity in Kolkata and the experience was surreal. Mother Prema sought divine guidance for the film,” said Upadhyay in a statement released on Monday.
Some of the movies based on Mother Teresa’s life to have come out in the past include Mother Teresa: In the Name of God’s Poor (1997), Mother Teresa of Calcutta (2003) and the 2014 American drama The Letters, starring Juliet Stevenson.
Mother Teresa, born Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu on August 26, 1910, at Skopje in Macedonia, came to India at the age of 19 in 1929 to work as a teacher. Later, she took her vows as a nun. In 1950, she set up the Missionaries of Charity in Kolkata. She was the recipient of numerous awards such as the Nobel Peace Prize in 1979 and the Bharat Ratna in 1980. She was also beatified as “Blessed Teresa of Calcutta” in 2003. She passed away shortly before her 86th birthday on September 5, 1997.
The producers of her biopic have said “We are extremely delighted and happy to produce the official biopic on Mother Teresa, known for her nobility and charity. She is a global icon and we hope to do justice to the ideals she stood for.”
The cast and crew are yet to be finalised. The movie is likely to go on floors by the end of this year and release next year.
Image Courtesy: India Today