Bollywood actor Aamir Khan has tweeted a picture of his heavily muscular look for his next film, the biographical sports drama Dangal. He will play the role of former Haryanvi wrestler and Olympic coach Mahavir Phogat.
2 days to go before I shoot for young Mahaveer….
— Aamir Khan (@aamir_khan) June 13, 2016
Aamir Khan will sport two different looks in the film: a 55-year-old wrestling coach, and a young wrestler aiming for a gold medal at the Olympics. The actor reportedly finished shooting scenes for the older character by February 2016. He had to gain weight until he was approximately 95 kilos for the role. For his look as the younger character, the actor reportedly went on a vegan diet and dropped 25 kilos.
Shooting for the final portions of the film begin on 15 June and will continue for 15-20 days. The film revolves around the theme of women’s empowerment, and will focus on the journey of Phogat’s daughters fighting for the gold medal at the Olympics.
Directed by Nitesh Tiwari, of Chillar Party (2011) and Bhootnath Returns (2014) fame, Dangal is scheduled for a Christmas release this year.