Abhay Deol is all set to play a King in his Tamil debut. The film, titled Idhu Vedhalam Sollum Kadhai, will essay King Vikramadithyan in the film that has Ashwin Kakumanu and Guru Somasundaram in lead roles.
“Abhay is not playing a cameo. His role is very crucial to the script and he is essaying King Vikramadhitya in IVSK, which has a genre of fantasy elements, mixed into a road action thriller. He will be seen in the flashback portions which have a period setup,” the film’s director Rathindran told DC.
Deol has reportedly shed a lot of weight for this film.
“Abhay has shed several kilos to get a toned look. I did some sketches for his royallooks and we did a test photo shoot with necessary detailing and chose one of them. Also, since he wanted to dub his own voice for the character, as the filming is being done in live sync sound, we sent our lyricist Veronica to teach him Tamil and the specific diction that is needed for his role.”
Aishwarya Rajesh is the female lead of this film that is slated to release later this year.