The first look poster of actor-director Rakshit Shetty starrer Avane Sriman Narayana is out now. The film helmed by debut director Sachin Ravi is being bankrolled by Pushkara Mallikarjunaiah and HK Prakash, under their Pushkar Films and Shree Devi Entertainers banners. The film features Rakshit as a corrupt police officer in a fictional town named ‘Amaravathi’ in Karnataka back in the ’80s.
The first look poster features a cop Rakshit firing a double-barrel western gun with one leg on his vintage motorcycle and one on the ground. The motorcycle is seen to be popping out of a wooden picture frame.
The team took to Twitter to release the first-look poster.
“ಅವನೇ ಶ್ರೀಮನ್ನಾರಾಯಣ” ಚಿತ್ರದ First Look ನಿಮ್ಮ ಮುಂದೆ | Nov 28ಕ್ಕೆ Trailer ಬಿಡುಗಡೆ. Here is the first look poster of “AvaneSrimannarayana” | Trailer on Nov 28th. #ASNFirstLook #ASNTrailerNov28@PushkarFilms @Pushkara_M @shanvisrivastav @SachinBRavi @Prakash_HK
— Rakshit Shetty (@rakshitshetty) November 23, 2019
Avane Sriman Narayana stars Shanvi Srivastava opposite Rakshit with Balaji Manohar, Achyutha Kumar, Pramod Shetty and Madhusudhan Rao in significant roles. The soundtrack and music are by Charan Raj and B Ajaneesh Loknath with Karm Chawla on the camera. Director Sachin Ravi will also take up the mantle of the editor while Ullas Hydoor will helm art.
Recently, Bangalore Times had reported that the makers took references from iconic Hollywood films like The Good, the Bad and the Ugly and Fiddler on the Roof to create the sets for the film. “There was one set that involved putting up a surreal-looking fort. This setting required chambers and dungeons that were different from those built within traditional architectures by Indian emperors over the centuries. The characters featuring in a scene in this setup have an intrinsic brutal quality to them. So, we have tried to infuse that quality into these sets, and make them remarkably different from the opulence that fort architecture is usually associated with. We also recreated an entire forest. Some of the trees that feature in this set have been created from our imagination, keeping in line with the fantasy aspect of the narrative. There was also a village that was built along the lines of what you would see in the rural areas of north Karnataka,” read the report on Bangalore Times.
The film has been shot in North Karnataka for 198 days with 335 call sheets and is reportedly the first Kannada film with the highest number of shooting call sheets.
The multilingual will hit screens on December 27, 2019, in Kannada and Tamil as Avane Sriman Narayana, Malayalam as Avan Sriman Narayana, Hindi as Adventures of Sriman Narayana, and Telugu as Athade Sriman Narayana. The trailer will also release on November 28, 2019.
Watch the Kannada teaser of Avane Sriman Narayana here.
Meanwhile, the actor who was last seen as ‘Karna’ in Rishab Shetty’s 2016 rom-com Kirik Party will next be seen in Kiran Raj K’s 777 Charlie. He will also be seen in Punyakoti and Thugs of Malgudi, his directorial ventures which are currently in the pre-production stage.
Also read, Actor-Director Rakshit Shetty Does The Hulivesha In Udupi; Watch The Viral Video