Earlier this month, actor Vivek spoke at the Kaashmora press meet, in which he seemingly took a dig at Nayanthara and other top actresses who do not attend promotional events of their films. “They have a shrewd excuse – they claim that they wouldn’t want to jinx the film’s success by attending the promo. They should try not to jinx it by rejecting their last payments; at least that would make the producers happy”, he said.
Yesterday, the actor tweeted a clarification, saying that his comments on Nayanthara at the press meet were merely humourous and not intended as a jab at the actress. Vivek requested the media not to misquote his statement in a way that sounds like he is against Nayanthara.
An appeal to media. I stated tat heroines shd attend promos.i didn’t pinpoint Nayan.i m a huge fan of her. Plz recall my tweets on Nayan
— Vivekh actor (@Actor_Vivek) October 25, 2016
I always tweet good things abt Nayanthara.Bcoz she is amazing n I m a big fan.i have nothing against her.Medias,kindly clear air. pic.twitter.com/hq0Yw6Vgfz
— Vivekh actor (@Actor_Vivek) October 25, 2016
“I am a fan of Nayanthara ever since she debuted in the film Aiyya. I have tweeted and spoken very highly of her often. What I said yesterday as a joke has been misinterpreted by a few members of the media. Journalists are supposed to send across unbiased reports to the public, I request them to not change the meaning of what we actors say”, said Vivek to a Tamil magazine.
The actor plays a supporting role in Kaashmora, which stars Karthi, Nayanthara and Sri Divya in lead roles. The film is set for a Diwali release on the 28th of October.