The Kerala High Court has accepted Malayalam actor Dileep’s bail plea, reports ANI. The actor, who was arrested on charges of criminal conspiracy in the abduction and assault of a Malayalam actress, moved the High Court after his bail plea was rejected by an Angamaly Judiciary Court last week.
The hearing has been postponed to July 20.
The prosecution had reportedly stated that if the actor was granted bail, evidence might get tampered with, leading to biased judgement. On the other hand, the defense continued to allege that the whole case is a conspiracy in a bid to mar the actor’s image.
Up until the weekend, the Kerala police were looking for the actor’s phone that may contain important information for the case. However, a recent Manorama report suggests that the memory card, purportedly containing the images, was retrieved, but nothing was found in it, upon investigation. The card will be subjected to further tests to check if anything had been erased.
The actress was abducted and sexually assaulted on February 17, 2017, in a moving car in Kochi. Dileep was arrested by the state police on July 10 and is currently the 11th accused in the case. He had initially told the police that he had never met Pulsar Suni, the main accused in the case. However, police investigation revealed that Suni and Dileep knew each other from 2013 or before. The police’s remand report says that the actor held a grudge against the actress for breaking his marriage with ex-wife Manju Warrier.
Pic: Hindustan Times