Actress Pooja Kumar who shot to fame with actor-director Kamal Haasan‘s Vishwaroopam has joined Kabadadaari starring Sibi Sathyaraj and Nandita Swetha in lead roles. The film helmed by Pradeep Krishnamoorthy is produced by Lalitha Dhananjayan for Creative Entertainers and Distributors. This film marks the second association of Sibi Sathyaraj and Pradeep after the 2017 crime-thriller Sathya, an official remake of the Telugu film Kshanam.
Dr G Dhananjayan, the Creative Producer of the film took to Twitter to announce the news.
Welcome aboard @PoojaKumarNY to our film #Kabadadaari with @Directorpradeep @Sibi_Sathyaraj @Nanditasweta @simonkking & Team 👍 👍👍 Good work @ProDharmadurai @ProRekha🙏🙏
— Dr. Dhananjayan BOFTA (@Dhananjayang) October 31, 2019
“Pooja Kumar is a great addition of strength to Kabadadaari. In fact, her character commutes the story from one level to the next and involves many twists and surprises. She’s been a part of huge projects like the Vishwaroopam franchise, Uttama Villain and English films, where her performances have been highly appreciated; we are looking forward to a great experience working with her,” said Dhananjayan.
The shooting of Kabadadaari which commenced yesterday with a small ritual includes Nasser, Jayaprakash, and J Sathish Kumar essaying important roles. Rasamathi is cranking the camera with Simon K King composing music and Praveen KL taking up editing responsibilities.
A film with instincts, thrills and chaos theory on the way starring @Sibi_Sathyaraj – @Nanditasweta #KabadadaariPoojaToday @Directorpradeep @simonkking @vairamuthu & Ku.Karthi
Produced by @lalithagd of @CreativeEnt4 Screenplay-Dialogues by @johnroshan & @Dhananjayang— Done Channel (@DoneChannel1) November 1, 2019
The film touted to be a cop-thriller recently announced its title and crew with a simple motion-poster.
Watch the motion-poster here.