Actor Ajith has now teamed up with director KV Anand for his next movie. Sources confirm that the actor was mighty impressed with KV Anand’s script, and they will soon zero in on a producer. According to reports, it is said that a ‘big production company’ might join hands with the team.
The actor is now on a small break, having just wrapped up the Italy schedule for Ajith 56. He will begin shooting for KV Anand’s film once Ajith 56 is complete.
Ajith 56 stars actresses Shruti Haasan and Lakshmi Menon as the female leads alongside Soori and Ashwin Kakumanu in supporting roles. Siruthai Siva directs, and composer Anirudh Ravichander is busy working on the album. The team will soon head to Kolkata for a new schedule.