Actor Kamaal Rashid Khan (KRK), who has dabbled in some Bollywood films and regards himself as a film critic, recently took to Twitter and trolled Tamil actor Ajith Kumar for the second time this year. With Vivegam releasing on August 24, KRK called the 47-year-old actor budhdhe (old) who is fit to play “father role” on Twitter.
Ajith Ji, actually Budhdhe actor like u play father role in Bollywd but I don’t know how do Tamil ppl accept u as hero. Congrts for #Vivegam
— KRK (@kamaalrkhan) August 24, 2017
KRK had previously trolled the actor on his birthday, later admitting that the tweet was staged to get more attention on Twitter.
“Happy Birthday to real Bhainsa of Kollywood #ThalaAjith! Lol! Kaise Kaise Hero hai South Main! [sic]” he wrote. The tweet has been deleted, but that didn’t stop him from comparing Ajith to Arjun Kapoor from Bollywood.
Bhai Jaan @arjunk26 Agar Ye Ajith Bhi Star hai, Tab To Tu Super star hai!
— KRK (@kamaalrkhan) May 1, 2017
KRK, who did receive flak yesterday from Ajith fans, seemingly faced lesser trolling compared to what journalist Dhanya Rajendran faced when she tweeted something against actor Vijay two weeks ago.
people of TN accept him as hero.just we love him.come and see here his fan base #mersal ayeeduvinga.thala fans just ignore the negativity
— Nandy (@narendran00711) August 24, 2017
Dear ajith fans,
Ignore d negativity
V r d top guns in d cine field,?— Karthikeyen RK (@KarthikeyenRk) August 24, 2017
Thank God u r not in Tamilnadu.. If u were.. An unnecessary murder case would have been filed by police on #Thala fans.
— Raj Kishore (@rajkishoreaa) August 24, 2017
LOL this KRK became a common enemy for both #Ajith & #Vijay fans ??
— Happiness (@Shobija) August 24, 2017
No need to hide age like you. But he will not fake to his fans. No makeup ? no haircolour ?no dupe ?That is ajithkumar for you.
— Ajith SL Fans (@AjithSLfans) August 24, 2017
Vivegam, starring Ajith, Vivek Oberoi, Kajal Aggarwal, and Akshara Haasan, released to much fanfare on Thursday, and has reportedly raked in Rs 30 crores on its first day. The film is directed by ‘Siruthai’ Siva, with music by Anirudh Ravichander.